Time & Dates
Thursdays 14:00 - 16:00, online. Weekly between 05.11.2020 and 11.02.2021.
There will be no lectures or exercises on:
- 24.12.2020 (christmas break)
- 31.12.2020 (christmas break)
The login information for the zoom lectures and for the moodle will be sent to all participants
registered on the LSF on Nov. 4. Should you register on the LSF on Nov. 4 or later, please
send me email.
Lecture slides & recordings will be posted on the moodle shortly after the lecture.
Topics covered in the lecture will include:
- Overview: Disks & Exoplanets
- Our Solar System
- Disk Formation and Disk Structure
- Disk Evolution - Viscous Theory, Disk Winds, and Dissipation
- Dust in Protoplanetary Disks
- Planetesimal Formation
- Terrestrial Planet Formation
- Formation of Giant Planets
- Planet Migration
- Evolution of Planetary Systems
- Observations of Protoplanetary Disks
Exercises are taking place online, the dates will be announced on the moodle.